Tucker Farms, Inc.
(click on thumbnail to view larger size)

Harvesting Potatoes in 2011 Truckload of Potatoes Large Lehigh Potatoes Over 2 lbs!
We at Tucker Farms found this year's crop (2011) to be of unusually excellent quality--one of the best crops in recent years. Tuber quality was excellent and tuber size resulted in higher than normal cwt/acre production rates.

Rockin for Rett 2011
At Tucker Farms "Rockin for Rett 2011" held on 24 September 2011

Benefit for Rett Syndrome: Rockin the Stalks for Rett Syndrome at Tucker Farms' Corn Maze (see video)

Tucker Sign Luscious Strawberry Clump of strawberries Luscious Strawberries
Tucker Farms no longer grows strawberries

Planting Pumpkins Planting Pumpkins Harvesting Pumkins Harvesting Pumpkins
School Class Planting and Harvesting Pumpkins

Discing Corn Maze Lime and Vibrashank Lime and Vibrashank
Extra Large Adirondack Blue Harvesting Rebas Harvesting Rebas Extra Large Adirondack Red
Scenic with Barn Flying Geese Scenic with Color Gorgeous Clouds A Foggy Sunrise
Geese in the Oat Field Scene 'Killing the tops to set the skins Relaxing Rock 105 Pigs
Planting of Cucurbits Planting of Cucurbits Planting of Cucurbits Planting of Cucurbits Planting of Cucurbits
Potato Heads Radio Family Day Radio Family Day Radio Family Day Radio Family Day Radio Family Day
Radio Family Day Radio Family Day Radio Family Day Radio Family Day Radio Family Day Radio Family Day
Radio Family Day Pumpkin Faces Rockin for Rett Logo

Sunflower Snack Bar on the Rock at Corn Maze Little Boy Peeking into Maze Morning Mists Through the Corn Maze
Flowers Leaf vegetables Sign for the Great Adirondack Corn Maze Pumpkin field in autumn Field Work Grain harvest
Windrowing potatoes Blossom of Superior Potatoes on truck Potatoes on truck Grain field Tom unloading grain from truck Starting to Snow
Plowing Snow Tucker Sign on Icy Day Icy Times McKenzie Range Dog in Snow
Working in Snowstorm Working the field in season's first snow Working in Snowstorm Icy Fields
Photos © copyright 2016 Richard E. Tucker and Thomas D. Tucker